Francis McIntyre Sr. Memorial Fund

“Francis McIntyre Sr. Memorial Fund” is an organization created to honor the memory of one of the true gentlemen and leaders of Bill McIntyre’s Shooting Stars NYB. Inc. Fran was the epitome of a selfless person, always putting others ahead of himself. He was a true believer in education for our youth and as a Veteran himself, was a staunch supporter for many of the Veterans organizations throughout the area. He was also a dedicated family man and believed in ensuring that his family was raised in a strong community. He was very passionate about community groups and assisting them to keep the neighborhoods thriving.
With this, we would like to continue Fran’s efforts in these endeavors. Our primary focus will be to honor deserving youth to assist in payment for their education. We will also look to support both Veterans and Community activities as we see fit that we know Fran would have supported.
Mail Donations to:
1931 S. 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148